Saturday, December 29, 2012

The Storm of Doom

Cats generally hate loud noises. Cleo is no exception to this. Whether it's wind rattling the windows or the snow plow going by or even just a loud noise on the street, Cleo will run and hide in one of many places. I can usually coax her out with some treats after I find her. As her momma, I know where she hides. Or so I thought. One night (on my birthday!), we had a really large storm roll through. Wind, lightning, thunder, the works.
Still from a video. Sorry it's so bad. This is from the storm that night.

It was loud and windy and lightning was everywhere. We were lucky that we didn't lose power that night, it was so bad. I spent some time videotaping the storm with my camera, but after a bit I realized that Cleo must be scared. So I went and got her treat box and called out to her. When you offer this cat ANYTHING food related, you had better watch out. When I got no response, I got a little worried and started to look for her. I looked under the bed. Empty. I looked in the bathtub. Empty. I looked in her litter box (it's one of those big covered ones) Empty. I started getting even more worried at that point. Was she stuck somewhere? Is she hurt? Did she get outside? I looked around even more, and the more I couldn't find her, the more worried I got. Finally, I looked over at the pile of cushions on the couch and saw a little cat tail sticking out from them. I called out to her again and little head poked out from the pile of cushions.
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She stayed there the entire storm and didn't even budge after it passed. She just went to sleep in her little den. Needless to say, I was relieved to see that she was ok. However, that day I learned that there is no such think as a "usual" hiding place for this kitty.

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