Saturday, December 29, 2012

"That's Not Tuna!"

From time to time I like to do some embroidery projects (assuming I have a free second to myself). Embroidering when you have a kitten is not an easy thing to do. You take out your embroidery floss and you INSTANTLY have a kitten magnet. I start my stitches and as I am trying to get the thread pulled through to the other side, the kitten attacks (with rather sharp claws, mind you) so the task suddenly becomes impossible. I almost had to give up. Suddenly, Jerry comes to the rescue. He calls out to her and offers her food. However she gets half way across the room, then see's the string and comes back for it. Food didn't work, so he offers her something more enticing. "Does Cleo want Tuna?" He asks her. Instantly she runs to her food bowl, excited about getting something special. Then Jerry does the unthinkable. He puts down regular cat food in her bowl. She takes one look at the food, looks back at him, looks at the food, looks at him, then walks back to me, huffing. She was angry at poppa. Jerry would reach out to pet her and she'd snub him. It was clear that little kitty was upset about being stiffed some tuna. This went on for about an hour, Cleo sulking near my legs and giving her poppa the stink eye. Eventually, Jerry relented and gave her the real deal. He put tuna in her food bowl. And poppa learned his lesson that day. Never stiff the kitten.

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