Friday, November 2, 2012


When Cleo was little I used to take her outside to let her run around. We didn't have a space for her inside that she could run around in so this was how I used to wear her out. I would set her down and let her run around and she would follow me. I would take a few steps, then let her catch up. She would find me and purr and rub up against me. She also started to learn how to climb stairs. She would climb the steps leading up until the street. At least until a car would go by. In a single leap she'd go from the top of the stairs and into the grass. She also would take the time to curl up in my skirt or in Jerry's shorts

Her favorite thing to do outside was to wander around and just explode. She loved to go into the grass, even though she had a hard time with it. She was learning how to walk and run and the grass was as tall as she was (which wasn't very tall). Sometimes she would even get stuck and Momma would have to come to the rescue.


Now that kitty is grown, she isn't allowed to go outside anymore so her favorite spot in the house is now an open window. 

Feed me NOW Poppa!

The other night I had trouble sleeping so I stayed up for a bit, read a book, then fell back asleep with the little kitty snuggled up next to me. I was still asleep when Jerry came home. He noticed that I was sleeping and tried to keep quiet but he made the mistake of walking past the cats empty food bowl. He's creeping by and all of a sudden the cat starts yowling. And yowling. As if she was trying to say "Hey! Poppa! Get back here! You forgot something! HEY!" He finally turned around and started trying to calm Cleo down, but to no avail. Little kitty was very upset and was not going to stop scolding Jerry until she got what she wanted. She was still scolding him as he walked to the cupboard to get her food and she only stopped scolding him when he put the food in her bowl.