Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Sticky Situation.

I wrote previously about Cleo's little escapade with the fan, where she got her revenge. Cleo is a very smart kitty who is very good at plotting. For example....

One day, Jerry and I went out and about. We stopped by one of our favorite places and walked around, then came home after several hours. As usual, Cleo had missed us while we were out (although it was more likely that she missed our hands since they fill her food bowl) and she proceeded to shower us with love and affection. After a bit, we settle down into our seats, then tried to figure out what to do with the stickers that our favorite spot had given us. I had proceeded to stick mine on my computer, but Jerry was in a fun mood and decided to stick his (very lightly!) on the cat. Cleo took one look at this strange thing that was stuck to her and quickly decided that she was not amused. She eventually figured out how to get it off of her hind end, but then had to figure out what to do with it. Mischievous Cleo suddenly got a brilliant idea. She took the sticker in her mouth, walked over to Jerry , placed it ON HIS ARM, then gave it a good smack with her paw to make sure that it stuck.
Kitty's revenge
Jerry hasn't stuck a sticker on her since.

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